Pornography-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (PISD) Counseling
Virtual vs Reality
Addressing the impact of excessive pornography consumption on sexual performance and intimacy
You can overcome this
Tools for reducing dependence on pornography for sexual arousal
What are your triggers?
Know about what stimulates your desires and behaviours
Moving from Relapse to Refuge
Lets discuss "How Nervous System Regulation Can Help the Body Feel Safe in Sex Addiction Recovery".
Know your Attachment type
Learn about your needs and attachment type. And skills on how to manage needs deficit
What is Priming- in hypersexual world
Learn how what you see, hear and experience rewires your brain. Learn the skills to combat the 'Priming' and emerge as a victor
LSM in Porn Addiction &Compulsive Masturbation (PaCM)
for Unmarried and Non-Sexually Active
Understanding Pornography Addiction and Compulsive Masturbation
The Brain and Pornography: Rewiring the Mind
Triggers and Cravings
Building Self-Control and Mindfulness
Emotional Healing and Self-Compassion
Developing Healthy Habits and Routines
Social Isolation and Reconnecting with Life
Managing Stress, Loneliness, and Emotional Triggers
Body Image, Self-Perception, and Sexual Identity
Accountability and Long-Term Commitment
Relapse Prevention and Coping with Setbacks
Reflection and Setting Future Goals
A 12-Months program that focuses on healing, self-growth, and breaking the cycle of addiction—empowering you for long-term change